Thursday, September 24, 2009
Drive to Maps on your mobile for a free one week trial.
Friday, September 18, 2009
World's First i7 Clarksfield Based High-End Notebooks
There will be two notebook models available: 15.6-inch HD EUROCOM W860CU Cougar and 17.3-inch W870CU Cheetah based on Intel i7 Mobile processors, Intel PM55 chipset, DDR3-1333 Memory, NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 2x0M or GTX 3x0M series upgradeable MXM 3.0 Type B VGA technology.
Initially there will be three Intel Core i7 mobile chips supported based on Intel Nehalem micro architecture 1.60 GHz Core i7-720QM (45W), 1.73 GHz Core i7-820QM (45W), and 2.0 GHz Core i7-920XM Extreme (55W). The mobile Core i7 processors are based on Intel Nehalem 45nm technology and will sport 256KB of L2 cache per core as well as 8MB (800- and 900-series) or 6MB (700-series) of unified L3 cache.
Intel will add more processors to the Calpella lineup in second quarter of 2010 based on 32nm technology and Eurocom intends to support them in its line of Clarksfield notebooks.
About Intel PM55 Ibex Peak-M Chipset
An Intel Mobile Express Series 5 chipset (PCHM codenamed Ibex Peak) with Intel's graphics technology that will allow for optimized decoding/encoding and editing/playback of H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video used in Blu-Ray Discs and HD 1080p video, optimized for MPEG-2 (DVD) video playback and editing.
* Integrated memory controller and integrated PCI express controller remove the need for a Northbridge and the older FSB (Front Side Bus) technology.
* Direct connect to Display Port with DPCP as with its predecessor along with legacy support for HDMI (and HDCP), DVI, and VGA.
* RAM supported for DDR3-1066, DDR3-1333 and DDR3-1600 SO-DIMM.
* Gigabit Ethernet LAN controllers 82577LM and 82577LF (codenamed Hanksville).
* Solid-State Drive and Hybrid Hard Drives support
Both 15.6" W860CU Cougar and 17.3" W870CU Cheetah provide workstation-calibre performance, powerful graphics capabilities, high performance storage SATA-300 hard drives and super-powerful Intel Clarksfield i-7 and i7-Extreme Processor for high-end computing wherever work or gaming takes place.
Featuring choice of LCD displays up to Full HD 1920-by-1080 pixels, upgradeable NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280M with 1GB of GDDR3 Video Memory and powered by Intel new line of i7 Mobile and i7 Extreme four-core processor technology, EUROCOM W870CU Cheetah also features the largest and fastest storage capacity on the market today - a whopping 1.5 Terabytes with three physical drives (500GB 7200rpm per single hard drive) - making it the perfect laptop for users who demand high performance storage for true portable gaming and/or workstation-calibre experience.
For the hardcore PC user (gamer and/or engineer alike), this means the EUROCOM W860CU Cougar and W870CU Cheetah provide blistering fast response times that are sure to turn heads.
EUROCOM W860CU Cougar and W870CU Cheetah support variety of 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems from Microsoft Vista Business or Ultimate to XP Professional or Windows 7 and up to Linux.
Upgradeable VGA Technology
At the core of the W860CU Cougar and W870CU Cheetah, users can choose between different NVIDIA or ATi graphics cards: the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260M, GTX 280M or ATi Mobility Radeon HD 4870XT with 1GB of GDDR3 for high-performance PC gaming, and NVIDIA Quadro FX 3700M with 1GB GDDR3 for those looking for a high-performance workstation class performance.
EUROCOM W860CU Cougar and W870CU Cheetah use standard MXM 3.0 Type B specifications with the interface allowing easy upgradeability to next generation of graphics technology and allows full exchangeability with both NVIDIA and ATi VGA technology. By using a consistent mechanical graphics interface in the form of high-performance MXM, Eurocom is able to introduce a variety of innovative PCI Express graphics solutions as quickly as desktop PC graphics.
I/O Ports, Communications and Security
Standard ports include four USB ver 2.0, one DVI for external display, one Firewire IEEE1394a, one RJ-45 for 1 Gigabit LAN, one RJ11 for Modem/Phone, one S/PDIF output; one built-in microphone and one headphone jack.
There are also a HDMI output, e-SATA port, Built-in Webcam for Video Conferencing, HSDPA 3.5G mobile broadband support along with the WiMax or 802.11n and Bluetooth.
For security there is integrated fingerprint reader is accompanied by the TPM Trusted Platform Module and Kensington security lock.
A high performance, integrated ExpressCard 34/54 slot adds external peripheral functionality via the ExpressCard module form-factor.
Upgradeable Processor Technology
Driving the system is Intel Core i7 Mobile or Core i7 Extreme with up to8MB of L3 cache, which delivers exceptional high-def multimedia, multi-tasking and multi-threaded performance.
Intel's 1333MHz front-side-bus i7 Mobile processor is Nehalem-based 45nm chip and its part of Intel's Clarksfield contains 840 million transistors and will run at a power envelope of up 55W. That's somewhat higher than the chipmaker's mainstream thermal design power (TDP) of 35W, meaning that the extra performance will take its toll on battery life.
This high-performance CPU allows users to simultaneously run multiple applications at the same time -- all with increased performance. Performing tasks such as burning CDs, reading email messages, editing digital photos and listening to music all at the same time with no slow downs means a richer overall experience for the user.
Here is a list of processors supported in W860CU Cougar and W870CU Cheetah:
- Intel Core i7-920XE Extreme Processor (Clarksfield); 2.0GHz, 8MB L3 cache; 55W TDP.
- Intel Core i7-820QM Processor (Clarksfield); 1.73GHz, 8GB L3 cache; 45W TDP.
- Intel Core i7 i7-720QM Processor (Clarksfield); 1.60GHz 6MB L3 cache, 45W TDP
EUROCOM W860CU Cougar and W870CU Cheetah use next-generation, high speed, dynamic frequency DDR3-1333 or DDR3-1600 SO-DIMM for laptops that enables customers to make full use of the significantly reduced power consumption and increased bandwidth of DDR3.
This new-generation DDR3 SO-DIMM module for laptops uses the 8-bit pre-fetch design. As it is a double of the DDR2 modules, the clock frequency begins from 800MHz and can be increased to 1066MHz, 1333MHz and 1600MHz.
Thanks to the evolution in die processes to 75nm technology DDR3 modules offer a significant reduction in terms of power consumption, as they take advantage of DDR3's 1.5V supply, compared to 1.8V with DDR2. By incorporating additional optimizations, DDR3 SO-DIMMs even reduce the power consumption by at least 30 and up to more than 50 percent compared to today's mainstream DDR2 modules, depending on the SO-DIMM capacity. Indeed, the laptop's battery life can be extended. Furthermore, the DDR3 SDRAM devices offer data transfer rates of up to 1.600 Mb/s (Mbit per second). This doubles the maximum data transfer rates of today's DDR2 memories, and significantly boosts also the performance of mobile PCs.
This DDR3-1333 SO-DIMM for laptops uses high-quality genuine die from original manufacturers packaged with the FBGA (Fine-Pitch Ball Grid Array) technology to deliver better cooling and electrical performances. The ODT (on-die-termination) can effectively ensure signal integrity by reducing signal feedback when the module is running at high speed.
With ASR (auto self-refresh) design, it intelligently reduces the refreshing frequency of memory modules thus effectively reduce the temperature and power consumption of the module to conserve energy.
Physical Dimensions & Weight
The W860CU Cougar measures 374mm (W) x 263mm (D) x 42mm (H) (14.96"x10.52"x1.68") and weights under 3.3kg (7.26lbs). The W870CU Cheetah is 412x279x39-48mm (16.48x11.16x1.56-1.92inch) and weights 4kg or 8.8lbs.
Full Upgrade Ability and Full Customization
EUROCOM notebooks are built on a customized basis so that users can select the individual configurations they require. EUROCOM systems offer stylish all-in-one design, superb performance, upgrade ability and latest computing technology. All EUROCOM mobile workstations are fully upgradeable including Hard Drive (Hard Drives), memory, optical drives, processors and graphics to prolong their lifespan.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Ford Focus Duratec 2.0 5MT Emissions 169 g/km
Ford Focus Titanium 2.0 5 door - £19,695
Previous and Next Models in the Ford Focus Range
Ford Focus Titanium 2.0 5 door Engine Data
Ford Focus Titanium 2.0 5 door Performance
Fuel Consumption and Capacities
Ford Focus Titanium 2.0 5 door CO2 Emissions (Green Label)
Ford Focus NCAP Rating
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In Car Entertainment and Satellite Navigation
Monday, September 14, 2009
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Tuesday, September 08, 2009
15 etape ale achiziţionării unei locuinţe prin programul „Prima Casă”
Achiziţionarea unei locuinţe prin programul „Prima Casă” se dovedeşte a fi, în practică, un proces mult mai anevoios decât în teorie. De la depunerea cererii de credit până la înscrierea ipotecii asupra imobilului pot trece între 40 şi 80 de zile.
Articolele publicate de în campania legată de programul „Prima Casă” şi reacţiile cititorilor la aceste articole au demonstrat deja că termenele anunţate de către băncile partenere şi Fondul de Garantare pentru IMM-uri sunt depăşite cu mult. Nu puţine au fost situaţiile în care unii dintre cei care au accesat acest program au pierdut avansul pentru că nu au primit aprobarea finală în termen util. a identificat paşii care trebuie parcurşi până la etapa finală, respectiv înscrierea ipotecii asupra imobilului în cartea funciară. În total sunt 15 etape, multe dintre acestea având „marje de eroare” care contribuie la creşterea termenului pentru aprobarea finală.
Coroborând datele primite de la bănci cu acelea furnizate de către Fondul Naţional de Garantare a Creditelor pentru IMM, precum şi cu informaţiile obţinute de la cititorii, se poate spune că paşii care trebuie parcurşi de la intrarea în bancă până la instituirea ipotecii sunt următorii:
1. Depunerea cererii de credit şi a documentaţiei la bancă: 1-5 zile. Acest termen depinde de cât de repede puteţi depune documentele solicitate de către bancă. Este vorba, printre altele, despre documentele privind identitatea sau despre cele referitoare la venit.
2. Analizarea dosarului de către bancă: 5-10 zile (cu „marjă de eroare”). De la ofiţerul de credit dosarul pleacă „în centrală”, unde stă minimum câteva zile, dar au fost cazuri în care analiza a durat peste 10-15 zile.
3. Transmiterea către Fondul de Garantare a solicitării de garantare: 1-2 zile.
4. Înregistrarea şi analizarea solicitării de garantare, verificarea documentaţiei depuse, aprobarea solicitării de garantare (dacă dosarul este complet): 5 zile. Termenul de maximum 5 zile se pare că (încă) este respectat, potrivit declaraţiilor reprezentanţilor Fondului, dar pe măsură ce creşte numărul solicitărilor de acordare a garanţiei se măreşte şi perioada de analiză.
5. Transmiterea către bancă a deciziei de aprobare însoţită de factura privind plata comisionului de garantare (se include în termenul de 5 zile).
6. Plata comisionului de garantare de către beneficiar: minimum o zi, maximum câteva zile.
7. Emiterea şi semnarea contractului de credit: 5-10 zile, în funcţie de bancă, dar nu există un „termen-limită”.
8. Semnarea contractului de credit: 1 zi.
9. Transmiterea către Fondul de Garantare a contractului de credit şi a dovezii plăţii comisionului: 1-5 zile.
10. Redactarea de către Fond a contractului de garantare şi transmiterea acestuia către bancă: 2-3 zile.
11. Semnarea contractului de garantare de către bancă: 5 zile.
12. Semnarea contractului de garantare de către beneficiar: 1 zi.
13. Transmiterea contractului de garantare către Fond: 2-5 zile.
14. Semnarea contractului de garantare de către Fondul de Garantare şi transmiterea acestuia către bancă: 5 zile.
15. Înscrierea ipotecii legale în cartea funciară: 1-3 zile.
Sintetizând toate aceste elemente ajungem la concluzia că termenul minim de la primul la ultimul pas este în jur de 40-45 de zile, iar cel maxim poate trece de 70-80 de zile.
Citeşte şi „Prima Casă” după două luni: 1.200 de dosare aprobate.
Citeşte şi CAPITAL INCOGNITO: Sfaturi practice pentru „Prima Casă”.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Pe cati ani este mai avantajos creditul "Prima Casa"
Intentionati sa luati un credit prin programul „Prima Casa” si va faceti calculele pe ce perioada ar fi mai avantajos? In principiu, cu cat perioada de rambursare este mai mare, cu atat suma totala de returnat este mai mare, dar rata lunara este mai mica, comparativ cu un Imprumut pe un termen mai redus. Concret, pentru un credit „Prima Casa” de 50.000 euro, pe o perioada de 30 de ani, suma totala de rambursat este de circa 99.000 euro, scrie Gandul.
In schimb, pentru acelasi credit de 50.000 de euro, dar pentru o perioada mai scurta cu cinci ani, deci pe 25 de ani, suma totala de restituit este de 90.000 euro, adica cu circa 9.000 euro mai putin decat pentru creditul pe 30 de ani. Cand vine vorba Insa de rata, aceasta este desigur mai mare, Insa cu doar 24 de euro, la creditul pe 25 de ani, fata de creditul pe 30 de ani. Cititi mai mult pe
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
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